To Those Who’ve Gone Before
by D. Milfred Dungbeetle on Jul.19, 2015, under D.Milly Dungbeetle
Well, Hello There! It is awesome that you took a minute to stop by. My post today is not the same as what I usually write, but here goes anyhow…
For those that know about the insect kingdom you probably know that most insects fend for themselves. Some of them will protect their young or their hive, nest, etcetera. People on the other hand have a great propensity to sacrifice themselves for others. Now, the degree they do this varies GREATLY, but I have seen it to some extent in most humans. I have seen mothers go hungry to make sure their children have food. Fathers go without new shoes or clothes so their family doesn’t have to. Teachers sacrifice every day to teach largely ungrateful kids. Health workers give everything only to be sued if they make an honest mistake. Groups of soldiers risk their very lives to go back and get the one that was left behind. I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.
So, what is my point? Just to say thanks for not being insects. For those few that are selfish and step on and over others to get what you want… To those that think you are always right… To those that don’t care when others hurt… BEETLE SNACKS!
To those that give of themselves… AWESOME JOB, THANK YOU, and KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
I’ll be back to my Beetle Snackin’ self next time, I promise 🙂