
Tag: robot

What’s up, No Posts???

by on Jun.21, 2015, under Project Goon

Well, have ya been wondering where I have been?  Busy.  That is really all I have in the way of an excuse.  With the advent of summer comes yard work and now that the monsoons seem to be over here in Colorado it seems everything is overgrown and in need of attention.  No, we really didn’t have monsoons, but we did have an amazingly wet spring including over 20 days of rain in less than a month, which really is unprecedented.


I have actually done quite a bit on McGoon I just haven’t had the quality time to sit down and write.  I can build a robot 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there, but I cannot write that way.  So sad 🙁

The mechanics of the chassis are assembled.  I made some… shall we call them booboos… along the way.  Don’t worry though, as promised I will document the mistakes along with the good stuff.  Mistakes are always a part of learning so never worry about making mistakes (unless you keep making the same ones over and over again, then maybe we should talk…).  I have all the electronics mounted including some we will not be ready for until the next phase of the project.  I do not have any of the wiring done though.

Next Up

Next up will be a walk-through of the build, including lots of pictures.  I will discuss the decisions (and mistakes) that I made along the way, my reasoning as to why I chose to go a certain way, and some other options that are also available.

So until then… which will hopefully be later this week… take care, tip your wait-staff, and remember that bartenders use your stories when they do their stand-up comedy routines so be careful what you tell them.

See Ya!

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